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Class Content

Our class covers stretch, fitness, forms, handwork, kicking, steps and self-defense training. We target to improve participant's respectability, flexibility, nimbleness, self-confidence, self-defense ability, patience, physical health, and mental durability through practice, competition & performance.
課程內容以鬆根、體能、套路、手法、腿法、步法及自衛術訓練為主。 透過恆常的訓練、公開表演、本地或國際比賽來提升學員的自信心、忍耐力、自衛能力、體格及擁有堅毅不朽的精神。

Color Belt Grading

There are 4 Color Belts with 10 grades for students to achieve - Grade 1-3 is junior level, Grade 4-6 is intermediate level, Grade 7-9 is senior level, Grade 10 is assistant instructor.  Students to complete 16 classes will be promoted to the next grade by means of a Promotion Test held by the Association.  They are eligible to apply as Instructor upon the completion of the 10th grade accredited by their Masters.

為更有系統地教導學員 ,課程分為十個級別 : 一至三級為初級學員(黃色腰帶),四至六級為中級學員(藍色腰帶),七至九級為高級學員(紅色腰帶),第十級為助理教練(黑色腰帶)。大約每隔四個月,若得到教練推薦,便可考試升級。完成十級,可成為本會初級教練。

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