News Update
早前梁師父、Rock師父及Heiman Sir 同「 開電視 」拍攝嘅「 大叔要變身 」,節目今日出街啦!
Two weeks ago, Master Leung, Master Rock and Heiman Sir take part in the TV show "Uncle Wants to Transform" shooting in Open TV. The show broadcast today!
Master Leung teach three common self-defence
連環日字沖拳消直拳 Handle straight punch
進馬半標手刹頸溝彈消勾拳 Handle hook punch
三角步抱排消直踢 Handle front kick
Kung Fu Force 功夫坊
Kung Fu Force was founded in 2013. It offers various types of training programs, including Tae Kwon Do, Wing-Chun, Self Defense classes and Kung Fu summer camps, etc. The trainings are successively established through local public schools, international schools, community centers, private clubs and children care centers. Our missions is to make Kung Fu practitioners not only gaining benefits of physical fitness, but also to learn respectability, self discipline, harmony, determination and fortitude. Kung Fu Force has trained many award winning students with outstanding performance. Kung Fu Force has been making every effort to promote Martial Arts through special events.
「功夫坊」於2013年成立,先後在本地學校、國際學校、青少年中心、私人會所及幼兒中心舉辦跆拳道班、詠春班、綜合武術班、自衛術班、功夫體驗班、功夫夏令營等等。希望透過恆常的武術訓練,讓學員不但能強身抗敵,更重要是學習尊師重道、同門和睦、堅毅不朽、 迎難而上之精神。「功夫坊」自創會以來, 訓練出許多優秀學員,在比賽中屢獲殊榮。 在武術推廣上,更不遺餘力,經常參與推廣武術之活動。